- Johannes Chan, Hong Kong Human Rights Bibliography (2006)
- Simon Young, Hong Kong Basic Law Bibliography (2006) (For more information about the bibliographies, please visit the Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, HKU website).
- Johannes Chan and Lison Harris (eds), Hong Kong's Constitutional Debates (2005) (For more information, please visit the Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law, HKU website).
- Gary N. Heilbronn Modern Trends in Litigation (1995).
- Juith Sihombing (ed), Annual Survey of the Law 1990-1991 (1992).
- Shane Nossal (ed), Bank Financing (1992).
- Caroline Hague (ed), Commercial Law (1991).
- Christopher Bates (ed), The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 1984 in Perspective (1985).
- Bob Allcock (ed), The Money Lenders Ordinance (1981).
- A H Smith, C F Fitz Gerald and Bob Allcock, Banking and Finance in Hong Kong: the New Legislation (1981).
- Elizabeth Phillips (ed), Marriage Breakdown, Divorce, and Property Adjustment (1980).
- L P K Brindley (ed), The Expanding Scope of Negligence and its Effect on the Professions (1980).
- The Honourable Mr Justice Kerr (ed), Modern Trends in Commercial Law (1979).
- P G Willoughby (ed), Revenue Law Up-to-date (1979).
- Roderick O'Brien (ed), Landlord and Tenant Law in Hong Kong (1977).
- P G Willoughby (ed), Drafting Legal Documents (1975), reprinted from Law Lectures for Practitioners, 1975.
- R A Ribeiro (ed), Dismissal and the Employment Ordinance (1975), reprinted from Law Lectures for Practitioners, 1975.
- R J Faulkner (ed), Evidence Up-to-date (1975).
- R A Donell (ed), Recent Changes in the Law of Trusts and Succession (1975), reprinted from Law Lectures for Practitioners, 1975.