Notes to Contributors

We welcome the submission of material for publication. Authors should note:

1. A submission will be considered for publication only on the understanding that:
  It has not been published elsewhere in whole, in part, or in substance;
  It is submitted exclusively to Hong Kong Law Journal;
  It may be submitted in confidence to an expert reader for evaluation;
  The editors reserve the right to make what changes they consider desirable to:
    (a) convert the submission into house style;
    (b) eliminate errors of typing, grammar, syntax, punctuation, spelling idiom, and the like;
    (c) eliminate ambiguity, illogicality, tautology, circumlocution, and redundancy;
    (d) ensure accuracy and coherence;
    (e) improve the mode of expression and style of writing; and
    (f) avoid possible criminal or civil liability.
  Unsolicited book reviews will not be accepted.
  Plagiarism will immediately disqualify a submission from consideration.
2. Authors are urged to acquaint themselves with the journal's house style(the complete style guide is available at and to read their submissions very carefully to avoid the need for the editors to exercise these rights extensively. Note:
  The name of the author of a book or article cited should appear with proper name or initials followed by surname. Thus, Kevin P Lane. The title of a book is to be in italics, with place of publication, publisher, edition (other than the first), and year of publication, followed by page number. Thus, Kevin P. Lane, Sovereignty and the Status Quo (Boulder, San Francisco, and Oxford: Westview Press, 1990), p 43: Norman Miners, The Government and Politics of Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 5th edn, 1991), p 72.
  The title of an article is to be in roman type surrounded by double quotation marks. The name of the journal is to be in italic type, as commonly abbreviated (or spelt out in full if likely to be unfamiliar to Hong Kong Law Journal readers), and the year and volume number (if any) are to be provided. Thus: A.R. Dicks, "The Position of Hong Kong and Macao in Recent Chinese Legislation", (1974) 4 HKLJ 151, 155-6; Dick Wilson, "New Thoughts on the Future of Hong Kong", (1977) 8 Pacific Community 588, 597.
  Note the use (or absence) and exact placement of full stops and commas.
  Quotation marks are double, but within a quotation are single.
  "Section" is spelt out in full in the main text, but abbreviated to "s" in footnotes.
  Cross-references: "n 21 above" or "see n 21 above" as appropriate; "Jones (n 37 above), p 25".
  Use "above" and "below", not "supra" or "ante" and "infra" or "post".
  Do not use "op cit", "loc cit", or other such abbreviations, other than "ibid" (referring to the work cited immediately above.)
3. We only accept articles that are between 6,000 and 10,000 words exclusive of reference.
4. We request all contributors to follow these rules:
  All submissions should be word-processed, double-spaced, with wide margins and the first line of paragraphs indented (except where the paragraph is the first under a primary or secondary heading).
  The titles should be centred, but all headings should be flush with the left-hand margin.
  Main headings should be in bold, immediately followed by a blank line; the next level of subsidiary headings should be in italics, immediately followed by the next line of text. Avoid further sub-headings where possible.
  Short quotations are to be within the text; long quotations (more than four or so lines of print) should be indented, preceded and followed by a blank line, with quotation marks, and an exact replica of the original.
  Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in superscript after any punctuation mark and without any surrounding bracket or full stop.
  Authors must indicate degrees, professional qualifications, and professional or academic status (not necessarily for publication), and supply evidence of these on request.
Authors must prepare an abstract of the article for inclusion before the full text of the article. Abstracts should convey a summary of the theme and main points of the article, and should run no more than 10-14 lines of italicized print.
5. Authors retain copyright in the words used, but upon submission of material for publication, grant Sweet & Maxwell Asia a licence to publish the submission in print and/or digital formats. Sweet & Maxwell Asia retains copyright in the design, format and layout of all material published in the Hong Kong Law Journal. All contributions are sent at the author's risk though, of course, the Editors endeavour to return all unused material.
6. Upon publication of their submission, Authors will receive one bound copy of the issue of the journal where their submission appears and ten off prints of their submission.
7. Submission of material for publication will be taken as acceptance of the terms of publication described in these notes.

Editor's E-mail:

Tel: 3917 2939
Fax: 2546 3475

Articles for submission should be sent by e-mail to, where they will be received by HKLJ staff. Books for review can be sent to the same address.

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